Perfect jackets for spring


Finally Spring …

the weather in spring is usually unpredictable. The day starts sunny, but during the day it becomes covered with clouds and fresh at once. Temperature fluctuations are quite normal in the spring.

We all know the problem with this weather – WHAT JACKET SHOULD I WEAR??

Your spring jacket should be two things at the same time, warm enough but at the same juncture light enough to make sure you are not sweltering when the sun does shine.

I listed you a small selection of jackets and combinations, so that you can go through the day well and always perfectly dressed;)

The Denim Jacket

In my opinion, an absolute MUST HAVE. Belongs in every wardrobe and is perfect for sunny days.
On colder days, you can wear a hoodie or sweater under the denim jacket.
Of course there are many reasonably priced alternative, but I personally think that an investment is worthwhile.

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